Because they’re active swimmers and show schooling behavior, make sure that you offer them at least a 50-60 gallon aquarium. Here are 20 fish that check off these requirements and can be housed together with guppy fish: When it comes to platy fish and guppy fish getting along, they’re genuinely a perfect combination. They get their name from their long sword-shaped fin at their bottom, but their unique color is also an eye-catching feature if you want to create a unique-looking aquarium. Swordtails are easy to care for, they like living in groups, but aren’t schooling fish, and just like guppies they’re omnivorous, feeding on flake food, mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, daphnia, etc. They’re sociable and compatible with many fish species. Will you start with guppies? These plants are pretty hardy and versatile. These snails are prolific algae eaters and a low-cost option if you’re looking for a peaceful and low-maintenance clean-up crew for your aquarium. Plus, goldfish have a high bio-load and prefer colder water that what guppies will tolerate. Mollies are very similar to guppies in size and temperament, which makes them great tank buddies for Guppy fish, but also for many other freshwater fish. The signature trait of this species is their copper red color that’s accentuated by a triangle-shaped patch on the rear end of their body. 10 Most Attractive Tank Mates for your Guppies. If you plan to keep Tetras with pregnant guppies, ensure enough hiding spots for the fry in your fish tank to keep the fries safe. Oto Catfish enjoy soft filmy and soft green algae varieties, but they can clean out a tank full of algae in a day, so supplementing their diet with algae wafers and soft veggies is necessary. Generally, fish and shrimp are not a good combination because newborn shrimp end up as food for the fish, but Guppies can be an exception, especially that Red Cherry Shrimp are fast breeders. The female guppy gives birth to live offspring, but unfortunately these are likely to be cannibalized soon after birth, even in a breeding tank set-up, unless the young can escape out of reach. Thanks!! Author: Vicki Smirnova. Amano shrimp on the other hand are larger than cherry shrimp and they have an almost transparent body that makes them masters of disguise; therefore, I would say they’re a much better match for guppy fish. Thanks! They prefer being in groups of 3 to 5, but they’re mostly nocturnal, so you might not see much activity from them during the day especially until they become accustomed to your tank. If you’re not exclusively considering only fish for your tank, the Red Cherry Shrimp can be a wonderful addition to an aquarium that contains guppies. Tetras are schooling fish and do best if kept in groups, so make sure you pick a larger aquarium than you would for your guppies. What fish are you planning to keep in the 10 gallon aquarium? Guppies are great community fish, getting along with many other like tempered fish. Therefore, I wouldn’t recommend adding Cichlids to your tank of guppies. The only caveat with this combination is that Danios are faster at getting to food than guppies are, which may leave some guppies hungry. Make sure you keep the lights off when you add the shrimp, so the guppies will not rush to them. Oscar fish are predatory fish that will eat your guppies the first chance they get. Great article! They’re both hardy fish that are easier to keep if you’re just starting out in the hobby. Their bigger size and their excellent ability to hide to the point where their owners may think they died. If you’re adamant about keeping them in the same tank, you can get away with it if you keep your guppies with small angelfish, otherwise they’ll end up eating your guppies. Gourami fish and especially the Honey Gourami is another fish that you can house together with guppies, except they’re a bit high-maintenance compared to guppies. Despite enjoying the company of a group, gouramis are a bit timid by nature and require shade and hiding places in their tank. They breed quickly, and they interact well within their own species. Guppy fish are versatile tropical fish that have a peaceful nature, which makes them great contenders for community aquariums. Some examples of … They reproduce quickly and without much intervention on your part, your only task is to ensure female and male mollies are kept together. Written by. Hey Pat, I’m happy to see when someone gets into this hobby, but I’m more exited when someone starts this hobby again after so many years. They prefer tanks with lots of live plants and driftwoods, and because of their delicate bellies and fins, the Kuhli Loach are better off in a sand substrate. Then I found this article, where you recommend to keep shrimp and guppies together. The only caveat with this combination is that Danios are faster at getting to food than guppies are, which may leave some guppies hungry. Another great algae-eater that’s a good choice for a guppy aquarium are Otocinclus fish, a fast-swimming fish with an insatiable appetite for algae. Are you planning on just keeping them for show? Fish should be comfortable with their tank mates and they shouldn’t be exposed to bullying, injuries, or stress related to other fish kept in the same aquarium. These colorful fish can even breed alongside shrimp if you have enough of them. I’m going to start off by saying that Honey Gourami are high-maintenance, so I really don’t recommend them for absolute beginners. However, if you find fancy guppy fish that enjoy higher temperatures or Discus fish strains that do well even in waters that are slightly lower in temperature, you may be able to find a middle ground solution that pleases both types of fish. The simple fact that Guppy fish are good community fish doesn’t mean they can be housed with any other fish. Relatively timid, the Otocinclus Catfish are great scavengers of freshwater aquariums being known for their insatiable appetite for algae. The guy from the pet store told me, that cherry shrimp are not good guppies tank mates. Tetras are freshwater and community-friendly fish so, they are the best tank mates of Guppies. These are the fish that you can house together with your guppies to create a peaceful and happy freshwater fish community. They’re also undemanding when it comes to food – they’re omnivorous, so they don’t make a fuss about food and eat live, dried, frozen, and flake foods. Guppies need a pH of 6.8-7.8 and a temperature between 74-82 ° F to thrive. 0. The aggression is not as severe as when they are in the wild unless the breeding season is near. – read more. If you’re looking to build a fish community that consists of guppies and other fish, in this guide I’ll recommend 15 tank mates that are compatible with guppies. They’re also called scaleless fish because of the very tiny, embedded scales that are barely noticeable. March 23, 2021 . All Rights Reserved. I’m very keen to get my community tank started! Hey Fabian! They’re not a difficult species, but they’re delicate little ones that don’t do well in improper water conditions. Otocinclus fish are more sensitive to improper water conditions, more so than guppies, so make sure your water parameters are excellent when keeping these two together. Also try to curb the aggressive tendencies of angelfish by adding your guppies to the tank while your angelfish are still small so that they won’t see them as a potential threat. I’m just telling this, because I had the same problem when first started keeping shrimp and guppies together and nobody told me that fish medication is harmful for shrimp. If you want to house your guppies with other fish, here are 15 fish that are compatible with guppies: Swordtail Fish – Wojciech J. Płuciennik (CC BY-SA 4.0). While some species eat them out of hunger, others crunch them for fun. As one of the few cichlids that can peacefully live with small livebearers, Ram cichlids aren’t difficult to keep, however, they are a lot more difficult to breed compared to live bearers. Look for snails that are affixed to the glass (those are the active fellows!) However, they can’t live on algae and leftovers alone, so make sure you feed them spirulina wafers, granules and vegetables like lettuce or zucchini. Rasboras make for a perfect match for guppy fish as they’ll get along perfectly without you having to worry about behavioral issues or unhealthy social dynamics. and keep away from those on the bottom of the tank lying upside down motionless. It is known that guppies will eat baby shrimp, so the shrimp population will not grow. Non-ideal mate s – Barbs, Red-Tailed Sharks, and aggressive Tetras. Required fields are marked *. Thank you! Mollies are also compatible with other guppy-friendly fish including platies, harlequin rasboras and bristlenose plecos, therefore, making it easy for you to set up a mixed-species aquarium. Males are smaller and display fins in a varied range of colors and patterns. Discus fish enjoy warmer water than guppy fish. I mentioned that cichlids are aggressive fish and that the Ram cichlids are an exception to the rule. In fact, guppies are even used as feeder fish for them. Cardinal Tetras are a suitable choice for a community fish and can coexist with Guppies barring one caveat: in a tank with few hiding spots, Cardinal Tetras may eat Guppy fry, so if you plan on keeping the fry provide enough hiding spots or remove the fry. Their preferred food is algae, of course, but they’ll eat anything they can find on the substrate including insects, live foods, etc. African Dwarf frogs are great tank mates for guppies if you are looking for a little variety in your fish tank. I would not recommend keeping guppies with tiger, denison or any other barbs fish. Regardless of how you feel about the aesthetics of these fish, Bristlenose plecos have an amazingly peaceful temperament that makes them a top choice of fish that can be housed with guppy fish. They are durable fish that are easy to keep, moderately hardy, and they’re usually good at fighting off diseases. Beside their shape, these fish come in a variety of colors. Harlequin Rasboras are top to mid-dwellers, which is the same tank level that Guppies prefer as well, but you won’t see any territorial behavior or tension between the two species. As we all some other species on this list, they have some interesting qualities that would make them great companions to the tetras. Fish compatibility should always be examined when setting up a community aquarium. The coloring of Amano Shrimp depends on their diet — when they have access to fish food only, they have a reddish coloring, when feeding on algae and detritus, they display a greenish tint. Barbs fish are pretty aggressive and they will kill guppies. Molly fish are live bearing species and a hardy species that can fare well both in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Vividly colored and aggressive, the killifish isn’t a good choice for a guppy fish aquarium as they’ll have a go at your guppies. But do not overcrowd the tank. For starters, they must be kept in groups of 4 to 6 since they’re social and thrive in groups, so a tiny tank won’t be a good choice for them. A beautiful and popular freshwater fish, Boeseman’s Rainbowfish can be a good choice for a guppy tank mate, however, they’re schooling fish that grow larger than guppies, therefore, offer them a large enough aquarium. Give or sell your baby guppies if you have too many in your tank or else they will not grow and they will eat each others tails. Make sure you add lots of live plants, hiding spaces and provide large surface area. Besides being useful inhabitants of aquariums, the Bristlenose Pleco is also a good beginner-friendly fish that’s hardy and undemanding. Method 1 of 3: Considering Compatible Traits 1. Compatible Tank Mates … does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Don’t forget, that shrimp are very sensitive to some fish medication. Thank you for the feedback! They enjoy a planted aquarium and will thrive on a carnivorous diet. These unique eel-shaped freshwater fish are great companions getting along with a variety of freshwater fish including our beloved guppies. Harlequin rasboras are another freshwater fish that are community-friendly, beginner-friendly and easy-going. Again, shrimp and fish should not be kept together, because there’s a high chance that newborns will end up as live food for fish, and in the case of the Crystal Red Shrimp, a rather expensive one at that. Knowing the different behavior, tank requirements and diets of multiple fish is a difficult task to accomplish. In this video i have shown various tank-mates of guppy fish that can be kept together in one community tank. When housing them with Guppies, keep an eye on them as Guppies may be nippy from time to time. Sure, they aren’t a perfect match and strictly speaking, they don’t check off the requirements for best tank mate that we’ve established at the beginning of this article, but there are betta varieties that can work with guppy fish. They’re bottom dwellers and like to feed on algae, which means they’ll keep your tank nice and clean and will stay out of the way of your Guppies, who are predominantly mid-dwellers. Most of the keeping and feeding recommendations we’ve discussed at the Red Cherry Shrimp also apply to the Crystal Red Shrimp. However some owners might want to keep a variety of fishes to create a community aquarium tank with Guppies to create an interesting environment instead. Betta fish are reputed to be feisty, aggressive, and territorial, and are often quoted as bad aquarium-mates. Please check out my article on the top 25 plants that are suitable even for beginners. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On the other hand, it is possible to setup a guppy aquarium, where you will use the shrimp as a cleanup crew. Besides their aggression, Cichlids are also territorial fish and it’s only a matter of time until Guppies cross into territories claimed by Cichlids. Too few shrimp, and it’s likely that the Guppies will eat the majority of the fry. They’re available in a variety of colors and shades that range from green to red. But the feature that I like most about them is that they’re not only aesthetically pleasing, they’re also very useful – guppies love eating mosquitoes and mosquito larvae, keeping mosquito populations and mosquito-borne diseases under check. The only thing to watch out for are the fry. They’re a great match for guppy fish and an excellent snail to keep around if you’re looking for a low-cost option to keep algae under check in your tank. Regardless of the type of fish or tank mate you introduce to the tank, you’ll need to … The Fancy Guppy catches some flak from experienced aquarists, but it’s a winning combination with your shrimp. These easy-going fish are suitable for beginners and do well in community aquariums just like guppy fish do. Aquanick. South America is Endler’s guppy natural habitat. You can go even further in curbing any attempt at aggressiveness by limiting the number of betta fish you add to the tank (start off with one betta fish to see how it goes) and try to stick to female bettas, which are much less aggressive than male ones. 6 years ago | 21 views. Vicki Smirnova. I already have my tank setup with 6 guppies and will purchase 10 shrimp next week. Any aggressive fish that will fight guppies or will nip at their fins is dangerous for guppies. As you can read above in my article, cherry shrimp are not the best guppies tank mates, I have them a 6/10 rating for compatibility level. Guppies should always be together, but just how together they are and just what else you put in the tank should be dependent upon what you want to do with the fish. Therefore, if you are interested in protecting and keeping your guppy fry, you should breed them in a separate tank from the community tank. When it comes to fish compatibility, it’s good to also have an overview about the fish that should be off limits for guppies. Behavioral issues can sometimes be curbed (e.g. Large fish that may mistake guppies for food should also be out of the question when keeping guppies. Beyond their compatibility fish guppy fish, they can also be kept with many other fish that get along with guppies including mollies and swordfish. By understanding the needs of your guppy when choosing a new tank mate and picking a species that you like, you can safely give your guppies some new tankmates. Follow. Cardinal tetras are notoriously difficult to breed, and you’ll need a separate breeding tank and a stable water chemistry to successfully breed them. Hey Emily. Guppy fish is a great option for beginners in the hobby, they are hardy & they make great compatible tank mates for various similar sized & temperament freshwater fish. harlequin rasboras). Because they don’t get bigger than 4 inches, it’s possible to keep a group of Kuhli Loach even in 20-gallon tanks. Guppy fish have delicate flowy fins that can be enticing to fish with predatory instincts, so pick tank mates that won’t bother guppies. Their diet is also similar thriving on a varied, omnivorous diet. Your email address will not be published. It’s been about 30 years since I’ve had an aquarium and boy have things changed! Along with the Amano Shrimp, Nerite Snails are referred to as part of the aquarium cleaning crew. For a colorful show tank, consider the following ten tankmates for your guppies: Rummynose Tetra – These fish are named for their bright red noses. Shrimp will thrive in a guppy aquarium if you set it up correctly. If you want a beautiful and healthy guppy aquarium, shrimp are a really good addition to the tank. The only problem with keeping these two species together arises at feeding time. Therefore, the best tank mate for guppy fish are fish that: Any fish that will put your other fishes’ lives into danger should be dismissed as a potential tank mate. The fleshy tentacles that decorate these fish, and which give them their name, may be unappealing for some aquarists, but others may find them interesting. 0. Swordtails, Mollies, Cory Catfish and Bristlenose Plecos make better companions for Angelfish. These see-through fish are good mates for a guppy tank. They like hiding spots like roots, caves and plants and they’ll forage in the substrate of your tank having a taste for a herbivore diet. The only issue with keeping these fish together is that they water temperature requirements don’t perfectly match up. I recommend them to beginner aquarists but also to anyone who wants enduring fish that are community-friendly. Another live bearing species, Platies make excellent companions for guppies, but be prepared for a lot of baby fish. Tank Maintenance. Danios (Zebra fish, Pearl Danio, Danio Kerri, Queen Danio) are another potentially good mates for guppy fish. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This species is small reaching a maximum of 2 inches at maturity, and they’re fast swimmers. If you want to breed shrimp for profit, you should avoid keeping them with other tank mates. Something is killing my guppies there is on damasoni barb a golden algebra eater a swordtail plates every day or so I find dead guppies. Next, they require planted tanks that ensures they have lots of shade and plenty of hiding places. when keeping Bettas with guppies), but others can’t, which brings us to the tank mates guppies will not tolerate. There aren’t many fish that can be kept with Oscars, but Jack Dempsey or Bala Shark fish can be acceptable choices. In short, you should avoid keeping guppy fish with any predator or aggressive fish such as: Tiger barbs, Rosy barbs, Gold barbs, and Denison barbs are problematic fish that should not be kept with guppies because barbs will hurt guppies. Aquarists recommend dropping food at different locations into the tank so that all fish can get access to food. Poecilia reticulata habitat is in freshwater and brackish water basins of Venezuela, Guiana, to the North of Amazon river, on the North of Brazil, Barbados islands and Trinidad. Because of their scavenging behavior and preference for the bottom part of the aquarium, they eat leftover food from the substrate and while doing so, they send algae and muck into the tank. answer #2. As their name suggests, these fish are popular for their algae-eating capabilities. Playing next. Guppy grass known as “Najas guadalupensis” is fast-growing aquatic plant species commonly known by the names – common aquatic nymph and najas grass. Since they’re schooling fish, it’s best to keep them in groups of 7 or more. Your email address will not be published. Thank you! Read my detailed guppy care guide, if you want to learn more about water requirements, tank size, feeding schedule, breeding or mating behavior of guppies. Another very small fish, appropriate for especially small tanks, the guppies would make ideal tank mates for the neon tetras. Due to their flashy fins & fast swimming, you can keep your guppies with other peaceful fish including cory catfish & neon tetras. Thanks! In fact, if placed into the same aquarium, guppies won’t resist a day as African Cichlids will not hesitate to pick on them causing fatal injuries. Are Guppies Schooling Fish? Report. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. Guppies will voraciously eat the food before it reaches the African dwarf frog, which is a slow eater. A strange-looking fish, the Flowerhorn has a big bulky body and a brightly colored hump on its forehead. Browse more videos. Another excellent match for guppy fish are molly fish, which are also a live-bearing freshwater fish species that are hardy and beginner-friendly. I also recommend having some scavenger fish in the aquarium that can pick up leftover foods. Dad, husband and addict fish-keeper. Betta Fish Lifespan – How Long Do Bettas Live For? Thanks for all the info! I recommend sand instead. Right now I only have guppies at home. They’re extremely easy to care for. I have a 10 gallon aquarium with 6 guppies and I would love to get a pea puffer. They’re freshwater shrimp just like the Red Cherry Shrimp. African dwarf frogs stay fairly small which is good because you wont have to worry about your African dwarf frog eating your guppies. If you’re not up for the challenge, it’s probably best to avoid adding this frog as a companion to your guppies. Mollies get along not just with guppies, but also with platies, bristlenose plecos, and harlequin rasboras, both of which are on my list of best tank buddies for guppies. Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0. They also like vegetables like cucumber or squash. They’re a bit of a timid species, but they’re non-aggressive and make a good companion for Guppy fish. I was wondering if you can keep guppies with a pea puffer? First this fish was discovered by Franklyn F. Bond in 1937 in Lagoa dos Patos on the North coast of the continent, on the North of Venezuela. Keeping cherry shrimp and guppies together is a controversial topic. I want to setup a new aquarium with guppies and shrimp. - Can I get just 2? However, shrimp and guppies aren’t the most obvious combination, especially that hungry guppies will have a go at small shrimp, but with a few precautions, you can avoid that. Bristlenose plecos grow larger than guppy fish and therefore require a larger aquarium than guppies do. Avoid keeping guppies with other large fish that may mistake them for food. Research the space requirements of each tank mate to avoid overcrowding. It’s not like these two species don’t get along, they do, in fact they get along so well, they crossbreed. So feeding them flakes or other guppy food is not enough. They’re great tank mates for Guppies and get along with other freshwater fish like Cory catfish and cardinal tetras. They’re a hardy species that adapts to a range of water conditions and they’re happy and content in planted aquariums that constantly shed plant matter, thus, they’re never excessively clean for these snails. As bottom dwellers, they don’t interact much with guppies, which mostly hang around in the mid-section of the water column. Unlike other algae eaters that tend to be a bit more passive, the SAE is actually quite active and will cover your entire tank but do prefer hanging out at the bottom of the aquarium. These discus-shaped fish are a graceful and colorful addition to a guppy fish tank. They’re great tank mates for Guppies and get along with other freshwater fish like Cory catfish and cardinal tetras. Steps. They will not overpopulate the tank, but their population will grow overtime. Guppy Tank Mates. Is this a good idea? Disclosure: When you purchase something through my affiliate links, I earn a small commission. So I have a 10 gallon tank with rocks, 3 java ferns, gravel, and a sandy area because I thought I was getting corycats. Despite being bottom dwellers, they have delicate barbels that can get hurt if you have a rough substrate like gravel in your aquarium.
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