There are more urgent and genuine cases." Article 21 : Constitution of India : All Landmark Judgments, Zomato Delivery Boy Or Hitesha Chandranee – Who Is The Culprit, 68-year-old serial rapist abused more than 30 dogs in Mumbai, #SorrySheru trends on Twitter, 10 Skills that a Lawyer Should Possess in Order to be Successful, Hindu Succession Act And The Amendments To It, 10 Ways Law Students Can Develop Oratory Skills, Supreme Court Issues Sop For Hybrid Hearings Effective March 15, Tests For ‘Other Authorities’ To Be Considered ‘State’ Under Article 12 Of The Constitution, Court Judgments Should Be In Language Which Can Be Understood Not Only By Lawyers But Also Citizens Who Approach Courts: Supreme Court. In Animal Welfare Board of India vs. A. Nagaraja Supreme Court gave wider meaning to the term ‘life’ under Article 21 and extended the ‘right to dignity and fair treatment’ to animals. Not women, not children, not cows, not goats, not even dogs! The people are raging over on Twitter over this decision by bringing up ancient mythology which mentions and actions of homosexuality, asking if the history of India contains various scenarios of homosexuality, why does the Central Government claim that the Indian laws are against the same sex marriage. Podcast / C'est arrivé le 21 mars 2006 : Twitter, la naissance d'un géant . We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Marriage is a sacred union between two humans, between two souls that share an affection of love for each other. La création du réseau social à l'oiseau bleu est parsemé d'incidents. — Lala (@Lala_The_Don) March 15, 2021 And every human has a set of fundamental rights. Podcast / C'est arrivé le 21 mars 2006 : Twitter, la naissance d'un géant . Sur Twitter, les internautes n'en revenaient pas de l'enquête d'Envoyé Spécial et ont été nombreux à exprimer leur, comme le montrent les tweets ci-dessous. After Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code was taken down, it was a small ray of hope to the road of a free, and open minded society, with regards to the LGBTQ community. An offence has been registered under Sec 377 of the IPC (unnatural intercourse) and two sections under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (PCA). The accused has been booked under Sections 377 (unnatural sex) and 429 (harming animals) and section (11)(1)(a) of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1960 after being produced in a local court and sentenced to two days of police custody. A vegetable vendor in Andheri has been arrested by DN Nagar police for sexually abusing more than 30 dogs as per video evidence collected by a resident. Same sex marriage is a violation of personal as well as codified laws, the government claimed, hoping for a dismissal of the petition. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta stated that “As per law, a marriage is only between a husband and a wife.” In the reply affidavit filed by the Government, it was stated that "Family issues are far beyond mere recognition and registration of marriage between persons belonging to the same gender. You can also submit your article by sending to The accused has been remanded in police custody.”. Her being a friendly dog made her a soft-target unfortunately, he said and called it “nothing less than the Nirbhaya case - only there it was a human involved and here she is a dog.”. Podcast / C'est arrivé le 21 mars 2006 : Twitter, la naissance d'un géant . #SorrySheru La création du réseau social à l'oiseau bleu est parsemé d'incidents. Assailli par les très nombreuses critiques, le gouvernement a dû revoir sa copie. An 11-inch wooden rod was found inserted in her private parts which butchered her internal organs. Following the Duhamel scandal, hundreds of French Twitter users detailed their own experiences using the hashtag #MeTooInceste in an effort to dissolve taboos surrounding incestuous sexual violence. Accueil > Mag & Life > ... alors qu'il était devenu la cible du hashtag #PierreMenesOut. — Nehal Tyagi (नेहल त्यागी) (@nehaltyagi08) March 15, 2021, She was living in this vicinity for 8-9 years and was found brutally raped and profusely bleeding from her private parts. La socialiste, Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie, défend une proposition de loi pour le droit à mourir dans la dignité qui sera débattue le 11 mars dans l’hémicycle. La création du réseau social à l'oiseau bleu est parsemé d'incidents. FIR was filed against him under the IPC section 377 and section 11(1) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,1960. At each habitat, visitors can learn about the cats’ characteristics, including social structure, hunting, reproduction and the Smithsonian's National Zoo’s … Netizens trend “#SorrySheru” on Twiiter and the incident led to outrage on social media by the animal lovers seeking attention to the urgent need for providing safety to stray animals. Nobody is safe in "their" ideal world! Holi Nowdays: Depiction of Holi through Case Laws! The younger generation of the population have been tweeting about the decision, putting up pictures of ancient carvings, and temples with homosexual sculptures-. "Loved reading this piece by Holi Nowdays: Depiction of Holi through Case Laws! One of the couples was seeking for a declaration that the Special Marriage Act, 1956 (SMA) applies for all couples, regardless of their gender identity and sexual orientation. The complainant, Vijay Mohanani, runs the NGO, Bombay Animal Rights based in Peddar Road … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Join and Share your Knowledge. Registered members get a chance to interact at Forum, Ask Query, Comment etc. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Registered members get a chance to interact at Forum, Ask Query, Comment etc. Despite the decriminalisation of same sex couples, the plea of the government stated that same sex marriage is not possible. The matter will next be heard on April 20th. "Loved reading this piece by The dismissal that the Government wishes for, of the petition of recognition of same sex marriage is a violation of their rights. FIR was filed against the 65-year-old man under named as Mahendra D Pawar who was a daily wage worker and used to sleep inside the station complex where the shops and eateries were located. During the interrogation the man revealed that he has raped 30-40 dogs in the area by luring them with food between 3am-4am. A division bench of Justices Rajiv Sahai and Amit Bansal was hearing petitions, with regards to the recognition of same sex marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act and Special Marriage Act, and the fundamental right of choice of partner. During week-long investigation it was found that the accused would often loiter around the station complex at night and then drink alcohol before sexually abusing the female dog. Le dessinateur de presse a annoncé mettre un terme à sa collaboration avec le quotidien, mercredi 20 janvier. Before gender identity, or sexual orientation, the person is human first. The case before the court was not just a regular civil case of breaking the laws or doing any act which is abstinent to be done by the law but was involving the major issue of animal rights that are being subdued by nearly everyone without any guilt towards mankind or law. Facebook Twitter Email Présidentielle : à droite, Bruno Retailleau et Michel Barnier bâtissent leurs « socles » Pour le moment, Xavier Bertrand fait figure de favori dans les sondages, mais le patron des sénateurs LR et l’ancien négociateur du Brexit entendent bien « peser » en 2022. Harsher penalties will lead to fewer cruelty cases and a much stronger animal welfare system which is the need of the hour. La création du réseau social à l'oiseau bleu est parsemé d'incidents. Mohanani was in a state of deep shock and immediately informed DN Nagar police. Sure, there are laws, both personal and codified- that regulate the sacred concept of marriage, but, as the tweets stated- when did marriage become exclusively just for a biological man and biological woman? The Government stated that any interference from the judiciary will bring up "complete havoc with the delicate balance of personal laws." According to a report by Free Press Journal, Devi Sheth, a software engineer took her to an NGO for treatment. Podcast / C'est arrivé le 21 mars 2006 : Twitter, la naissance d'un géant . The date of the video is not confirmed yet and we have sent it to our technical experts. The Central Government also added "that fundamental right under Article 21 is subject to the procedure established by law and the same cannot be expanded to extend to include the fundamental right for a same-sex marriage.". Some examples of animal lovers urging the authorities to ensure the safety of strays can be seen below-. La création du réseau social à l'oiseau bleu est parsemé d'incidents. Questioning of the accused revealed that he used to tempt dogs and cats by giving them meat late at night and raped them while they ate. Is this enough for offenders like Ahmed? These "age old customs, societal values" in the ancient mythology and sculptures and carvings- all did consist of homosexuality, so what is this Government relying on, by using that as an excuse, and being discriminatory? Nandini Warrier? Twitter is enraged over this decision, trending the hashtag #samesexmarriage, as a retaliation against the Central Government. The complainant, Vijay Mohanani, runs the NGO, Bombay Animal Rights based in Peddar Road and has sought the strictest action against the accused. Why must the societal concept of gender identity, or sexual orientation put a full stop to that? The Central government on Thursday told the Delhi High Court that Indian culture and law “does not recognise the concept of same-sex marriages,” and "Living together as partners or in a relationship with a same-sex individual is not comparable with the Indian family unit concept of a husband, wife and children,"- the government claimed in a counter affidavit, that was filed on a petition which in turn was filed by same sex couples, seeking for their fundamental choice of partner. You can also submit your article by sending to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Although, there are great animal protection laws in India there is a need to properly regulate them into the ground level. A lire aussi: Causeur: Finkielkraut évincé de LCI, ... Facebook ou Twitter, c’est le règne de tous les Savonarole et de tous les Fouquier-Tinville d’occasion. Black Lives Matter (/blæk laɪvz ˈmætə/; BLM) — qui se traduit par « les vies noires comptent » ou « la vie des Noirs compte » [1] — est un mouvement politique né en 2013 aux États-Unis dans la communauté afro-américaine militant contre le racisme systémique envers les Noirs.Ses membres se mobilisent contre les atteintes mortelles de personnes noires par des policiers blancs. Living together as partners and having sexual relationship by same sex individuals is not comparable with the Indian family unit concept of a husband, a wife and children which necessarily presuppose a biological man as a 'husband', a biological woman as a 'wife' and the children born out of the union between the two." Geeta Dudani said that, “The only difference between a pet and a dog like Noorie is that she does not have a home. The institution of marriage has sanctity, and living together as partners or in a relationship with a sane sex individual is not what constitutes as a family unit in India, the government claimed. Twitter is enraged over this decision, trending the hashtag #samesexmarriage, as a retaliation against the Central Government. Join LAWyersClubIndia's network for daily News Updates, Judgment Summaries, Articles, Forum Threads, Online Law Courses, and MUCH MORE!!" The video was then submitted to the cops who launched an investigation into the incident. But she was well cared for by people in the area - fed, vaccinated and given medical treatment,”.He added that more than one person had to be involved in the crime as the dog would have tried to flee or defend herself when assaulted in the brutal manner. One of the couples was seeking for a declaration that the Special Marriage Act, 1956 applies for all couples, regardless of their gender identity and sexual orientation, stating that denying their legal right to marry is against the Constitution of India. In Maharashtra, a vegetable vendor has been arrested for bestiality after it was found that he had tortured nearly 30 stray dogs. aditi srivastava? La création du réseau social à l'oiseau bleu est parsemé d'incidents. Le hashtag « #jesuischarlie » devient d'ailleurs l'un des hashtags plus populaires de l'histoire du réseau social Twitter avec pas moins de 5 044 740 tweets publiés lors des seuls trois jours d'attentats à Paris et en Île-de-France [22] du 7 au 9 janvier 2015. Click here to join our Telegram group. While Menaka Guruswamy, the lawyer who represents the petitioners requested for a closer and sooner date for the next hearing, the lawyer representing the Government spoke by interrupting her, asking "is this matter urgent? #SorrySheru De nouvelles attestations de déplacement ont été mises en ligne samedi 20 mars dans la soirée. Podcast / C'est arrivé le 21 mars 2006 : Twitter, la naissance d'un géant . youtube-dl 2021.03.25 Extractors [zoom] Add support for (#16597, #27002, #28531) [bbc] Fix BBC IPlayer Episodes/Group extraction (#28360) Au lendemain de la cérémonie des César, les professionnels du cinéma tentent, sous l’impulsion des exploitants, de s’organiser pour faire parler d’eux. It’s high time that stricter laws for animal protection should be implemented. Animal Welfare Board of India vs. A. Nagaraja, The Victory Of Tata Sons Over Cyrus Mistry After Half A Decade Long Battle, Bank Can Initiate Insolvency Suit Against Corporate Guarantor Even If Principal Borrower Is Not A ‘Corporate Person.’, Chinese Court Orders Husband To Pay His Wife For Household Chores – Sparks Online Debate, NRI Status for Taxation under IT Act, 1961, Gender Stereotypes In Law And The Supreme Court’s Commandments, 10 or more Practical Skills a Lawyer Should Possess, 10 reasons why Negotiation is better than Litigation. On Thursday, the centre finally replied to the plea that sought for legal recognition of same sex marriage. The Government observed that in putting down Section 377, it only decriminalized “a particular human behaviour” but “neither intended to, nor did in fact, legitimise the human conduct in question.” The Modi Government had failed to file a reply affidavit in favour of the same sex marriage equality, and the petitioners side must be heard, therefore the case will go on, on April 20th. Despite the decriminalisation of section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, the petitioners cannot claim a fundamental right for same-sex marriage being recognised under the laws of the country," the government said. Some of the top predators on the planet live at the Great Cats exhibit, including African lions and Sumatran tigers. The Centre has rejected claims of the petitioners that marriage is a concept within the private domains of individuals, and said that marriage also had a public aspect to it, as it had several statutory rights linked with it. Click here to join our Telegram group. A vegetable vendor in Andheri has been arrested by DN Nagar police for sexually abusing more than 30 dogs as per video evidence collected by a resident. Société; Violences contre les enseignants : les chiffres sont alarmants. Rape, cruelty, abuse of animals is equally inhuman & criminal as of people. Article 21 : Constitution of India : All Landmark Judgments, Zomato Delivery Boy Or Hitesha Chandranee – Who Is The Culprit, 68-year-old serial rapist abused more than 30 dogs in Mumbai, #SorrySheru trends on Twitter, 10 Skills that a Lawyer Should Possess in Order to be Successful, Hindu Succession Act And The Amendments To It, 10 Ways Law Students Can Develop Oratory Skills, Supreme Court Issues Sop For Hybrid Hearings Effective March 15, Tests For ‘Other Authorities’ To Be Considered ‘State’ Under Article 12 Of The Constitution, Court Judgments Should Be In Language Which Can Be Understood Not Only By Lawyers But Also Citizens Who Approach Courts: Supreme Court, The Central Government opposes marriage opportunities and equality for the. Geeten Dudani, trustee of Bombay Animal Rights (BAR) registered a complaint in Powai police station against unknown persons. Senior Inspector Bharat Gaikwad said, “Shahi was held from his residence late on Tuesday night. v. State of Haryana is a breakthrough judgement in which the judiciary touched the matter of animal rights in the purview of Fundamental Rights. Mahatma Gandhi rightly said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”. The matter will next be heard on April 20th. ... Pierre Ménès a changé de ton dans un message posté sur Twitter. The complainant, Vijay Mohanani told that the received a call at mid-day Tuesday from Aslam Shaikh, a resident of Juhu Gully where he narrated him the entire incident and also sent him a video from December 2020 where Shahi was seen raping a dog. This is not the end, the case is still ongoing. The very landmark case of Karnal Singh and Ors. The Victory Of Tata Sons Over Cyrus Mistry After Half A Decade Long Battle, Bank Can Initiate Insolvency Suit Against Corporate Guarantor Even If Principal Borrower Is Not A ‘Corporate Person.’, Chinese Court Orders Husband To Pay His Wife For Household Chores – Sparks Online Debate, NRI Status for Taxation under IT Act, 1961, Gender Stereotypes In Law And The Supreme Court’s Commandments, 10 or more Practical Skills a Lawyer Should Possess, 10 reasons why Negotiation is better than Litigation. This bone chilling incident shook the entire country and was condemned by everyone on social media sites and the hashtag “#SorrySheru” has over 70,000 tweets while Ahmed has over 95,000 tweets to it and the topic ‘dogs’ of has over 1480,000 tweets in it. Buddy from US, #SorrySheru getting international support (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Join and Share your Knowledge. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. With the number of such rapes increasing, the NGO has requested all feeders to provide safety to animals. What use of being able to be in a relationship, if they can't join hands in marriage? Homosexuality refers to a romantic affection or sexual attraction to anyone of the same gender or sex. The Court has yet to listen to the petitioners, and pass it's judgement. This law needs to change & change NOW! Animal abuse is an inhumane and heinous crime and one must intervene if he/she witnesses animal cruelty and report it to the police and other authorities. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 fines a person Rs.50/- for animal abuse! INTERDIT AUX MOINS DE 18 ANS - Jusqu'au 4 février, le célèbre producteur de films X Marc Dorcel propose de regarder gratuitement son catalogue de VOD sur Internet. Direct LCI Replay LCI JT TF1. The solicitor General Tushar Mehta had claimed that the respondents, or the Central Government would file a reply affidavit on Thursday 25th, which would act as a common answer to all petitions. One of the couples was seeking for a declaration that the Special Marriage Act, 1956 (SMA) applies for all couples, regardless of their gender identity and sexual orientation. Facebook, Instagram e WhatsApp apresentam instabilidade nesta sexta-feira. — Charu Pragya (@CharuPragya) March 15, 2021 In the present scenario of COVID-19 the vaccine trials are done on animals and the kind of environment that the humans are providing to them is terrifying and traumatising and this additional torturing on them where humans sexually abuse them raises a huge question on the humanity which is found to be lost with the prevailing cruelty on innocent creatures of mother earth. The accused named, Ahmed Shahi was secretly filmed by an animal rights NGO, Bombay Animal Rights (BAR) where the man was found luring a dog in Andheri West before raping it. Join LAWyersClubIndia's network for daily News Updates, Judgment Summaries, Articles, Forum Threads, Online Law Courses, and MUCH MORE!!" "In India marriage is not just a matter of union of two individuals but a solemn institution between a biological man and a biological woman. This matter will next be heard on April 20th. Podcast / C'est arrivé le 21 mars 2006 : Twitter, la naissance d'un géant .
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