Bello/bella quite literally means “beautiful.”However, it can also be used similarly to “lovely.” Bello/bella can be used to describe people, places or things, so you can whip it out whenever you think anyone or anything is beautiful. – Señor Presidente, está bien oír que se dice que el ponente ha retirado su informe. visión agradable f. nice photo n [abbr.] Translation of "That's nice" in Spanish. My bed feels so nice and warm on these cold mornings. (general) a. estuvo bien. eso es muy amable. All Free. Many translated example sentences containing "that is nice" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. qué agradable. A menudo se nos dice que seamos amables con los suizos antes de un referendo. Many translated example sentences containing "i am nice" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Presidente Sarkozy, es estupendo que desee usted acercarse al socialismo de este modo. La subsidiariedad no debe ser una palabra vana, sino un principio que se lleve a la práctica. Find more words! How to say very nice in Spanish. it is midnight. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. The apartment was really nice and also very helpful. But may I ask you to consider briefly one of the nicest areas we have to deal with, namely tourism. [LAm.] agradabilísima. Sin embargo, quiero fijar brevemente la atención en uno de los sectores más, With regard to policy areas, we talk about SMEs and we produce very, Respecto a los ámbitos políticos, hablamos de las PYME y elaboramos documentos muy, It could also be somewhere else, but Deggendorf is a, Puede hacerse en cualquier otro sitio, pero Deggendorf es un lugar, (DE) Mr President, this is certainly not a, (DE) Señor Presidente, este no es un tema. Thanks for talking to us, This shows nice judgement and has restored confidence in a shaken Tokyo stockmarket, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011. ... See Also in Spanish. Estaría bien que el Parlamento lo conociera antes de que todos desaparezcamos de aquí en junio. Overall, the weather was pretty nice and sunny. You say “ Que bueno!”. If you don't have any nice words to say about your coworkers, keep quiet.Si no tienes palabras amables que decir acerca de tus colegas, guarda silencio. nice. agradable - simpático - amable - bonitas - amables - bonitos - querido - bacano - bacana - majos - maravillosos - simpática - apañado - chicho - chirriado - encachado - encachado - entrador - … No estaría de más que respaldara usted las palabras de este informe con acciones en otros. Speaking in the prisoners' dining hall on Robben Island was a. Hablar en el refectorio de los presos en Robben Island fue una grata experiencia. Reverso for Windows. Learn more with unlimited dictionary access. Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Then all … It was nice to see Josh and Angie again.Estuvo bien volver a ver a Josh y … Tuvimos un tiempo realmente agradable en casa de los nuevos vecinos. nice (also: dinky, lovely, nice, nice-looking) lindo {adj.} Mi cama está tan calientita en estas mañanas frÃas. Spanish Translation. No Filter: 17 Pure, Perfect Ways to Say “Beautiful” in Spanish 1. Friolento. 2. very nice. Calidá is Guatemalan slang for “cool” or “excellent.” Esta playa es calidá. Spanish words for niche include nicho, hornacina, buena posición, colocación conveniente and colocar en el nicho. muy agradable adj. Tap on a tile to learn new words with the same root. ¡adiós, buenos dÃas!, ¡que pase un buen dÃa! — "Oh, nice one! Sign up for free today. majo rico mucho gusto buena gente fino educado. bonito adjective. 8. This word is used in Chile to mean “cool” or “nice.” Este lugar es muy cachilupi. Beyond Nice: 30 Precise Spanish Personality Adjectives to Really Describe People. Not keeping promises to the poorest people in the world is not the nicest way to go about - as a rich part of the world - trying to help them. eso es muy bonito. (= subtle) [distinction, point] sutil. [judgment] acertado. wuhz. expand_more Señor Presidente, es agradable ser la primera en la lista de cualquiera estos días. very nice. Translation of "nice" in Spanish. ¿Por qué no vas a tomarte un buen baño mientras limpio? nice - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. The nice thing about using Media Center to organize those photos is that it does most of the work for you. 8. Estaría bien que los «antiguos» Estados miembros mostraran cierta humildad de vez en cuando. it would be nice to speak a foreign language, "I've spilt red wine all over the new carpet!" nice translate: bonito, bueno, agradable, bonito/ta [masculine-feminine, singular], amable [masculine-feminine…. Suggestions. sonrisa agradable f. nice view n —. I live in Brooklyn. Es decir, es tá bien qu e me paguen por hacer algo que … Chévere. acertado. For instance, each of these pretty Spanish words is related to showing affection – besos (kisses), abrazo (hug), and amor (love). nice smile n —. El hotel era muy agradable y la ubicación ideal. Translation for 'very nice' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. Nice in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict You've made a nice point. a. sean ambles (plural) Kids, be nice. es agradable. phrase. Translations in context of "would be nice" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: it would be nice if, thought it would be nice, would be a nice Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation More Sería magnífico que todo pudiera estar concluido antes de las elecciones europeas del año próximo. ¡que lo pase bien! We had a really nice time at our new neighbor's house. Want to start memorizing these cool Spanish words? that's a nice … (general) a. palabras amables. Mr President, President-in-Office and Commissioner Liikanen -. International Conference "Art Nouveau and Asia" 26 September - 28 September 2013. He's always been really nice to older people. encantado hermoso guapo. If you’re saying it in a “ that’s cool” way, you say “ que chido” or “ esta chido”. Desde el punto de vista científico, era un modelo satisfactorio, pero no tiene cabida en Europa. nice adjective. 1. 7. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Spanish word for nice, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. More Spanish words for nice. it is necessary. ", Almost everybody had nice things to say about Bill Clinton, nice friends you've got, they've just walked off with my radio. (general) a. soy simpático. nays. ) Learn how to say nice in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker. Por ello, creo que hay que aprovechar el período posterior a, En mi opinión, la fotografía es fundamentalmente una, Me dijeron: "¡qué simpáticos, los neerlandeses!". phrase. pleasant, enjoyable, pleasing, agreeable, pleasurable. Antier is a bit antiquated, and anteayer is the more common phrase in modern day. If not, it's the last time I take you to the park.Niños, sean amables. Esto es precisamente lo que produce inquietud en los países candidatos. Have you tried it yet? nice friends you’ve got, they’ve just walked off with my radio vaya amigos que tienes or menudos amigos tienes, acaban de llevarse mi radio. 1. foto bonita f [abbr.] Other translations. A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time). I mean, it's nice to get paid for doing what you love, but still the story means most to me. Cuando la conocà fue muy simpática y divertida. bonísima. Translations in context of "very nice" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: it's very nice, that's very nice, very nice to meet you, a very nice man, look very nice. agradable adjective. Ese fue un buen comentario que hiciste al final de la discusión. International Conference "Art Nouveau and Asia" 26 - 28 September 2013. Copyright … eso está bien eso es bueno qué bien qué bonito que bueno eso es lindo qué lindo eso es bonito eso es agradable eso está muy bien eso es genial. That was a nice point you made at the end of the discussion. They have a really nice house in the mountains. Ellos tienen una casa muy linda en las montañas. 1. bueno - good, nice, kind, proper, appropriate, well, healthy, considerable, goodly lindo - pretty, lovely, cute decente - decent Es estupendo comprobar que el Parlamento puede moverse rápidamente en caso de necesidad extrema. Señor Presidente, señor Presidente en ejercicio, señor Comisario Liikanen - alegro de verle. An intransitive verb phrase is a phrase that combines a verb … nice atmosphere n —. muy agradable. Conferencia internacional "Art Nouveau y Asia" 26 septiembre - 28 septiembre 2013 Nice. nice {adjective} Mr President, it is nice to be first on anyone's list these days. We asked friends and colleagues for some of their favorite lovely words -- both in terms of sound and meaning -- … Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Are we then to say, in all seriousness, that. Many translated example sentences containing "very nice" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. 9. Now we’re going to get a bit more advanced. agradable adjective: nice, pleasant, enjoyable, pleasing, agreeable: es phrase: is, you are, this is: Nearby Translations. —. How to pronounce "LL" and "Y" in Spanish. The hotel was really nice and it was perfectly located. arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, … Mr President, it is always nice to speak to a big audience. Sinceramente, debo reconocer que el hemiciclo podría haber estado más lleno. Categorize the words. Conferencia internacional "Art Nouveau y Asia" 26 - 28 septiembre 2013 Nice. Other translations. Spanish past tense - Preterite vs Imperfect, Common ways to ask What's your name in Spanish. My name is Sarah. phrase. (!) Conjugation Documents Grammar Dictionary Expressio. These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Calidá. Antier — The day before yesterday. agradable bonito bueno buen bien linda amable simpático gusto placer genial mono. (EN) Señor Presidente, señor Presidente en ejercicio, señor Comisario Liikanen - alegro de verle. here’s a nice state of affairs! Incumplir promesas con respecto a las personas más pobres del mundo no es el mejor modo de actuar, siendo como somos una de las partes más ricas del mundo que intenta ayudarles. Create multiple lists with different categories … (This beach is cool.) She's a really nice girl; she gets along with everyone. it is never too late to mend. Why don't you take a nice, hot bath while I clean up? that’s a nice thing to say! How do you say nice in Spanish? Siempre ha sido muy amable con la gente mayor. A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time). There's a nice [distinction] between 'continuous' and 'continual'. nice translations: bonito, bueno, agradable, bonito/ta [masculine-feminine, singular], amable [masculine-feminine…. quite nice adj —. We on the Committee on Budgetary Control are, Las personas que formamos la Comisión de Control Presupuestario somos personas, As Mr Weber said, we cannot make concessions where foreign policy is concerned just to be, Como ha dicho el señor Weber, no podemos hacer concesiones en materia de política exterior solamente para ser. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a single word? When I met her she was really nice and funny. Bello/a. Or, if you’re talking about a person , you say “ el es muy amable” which translates as “ he is very nice”. ameno. que es agradable. Si no, no los vuelvo a traer al parque. I am nice and outgoing, and I love … My neighbor’s mom was in town staying with her for a few days. Spanish Translation. Sin embargo, para que ello suceda es necesario disponer de las condiciones adecuadas. (This place is really cool.) nice to meet you - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions What are the most beautiful words in the Spanish language? For Spanish students, this is probably one of the more familiar words for “cool.” Try grouping words together based on their similarities. Spanish Translation. nays. ) How to say it is nice in Spanish. How to use Spanish relative pronouns and adjectives? More. Each vocabulary word on this next list is accompanied by an example sentence to give you a sense of how these words can be used. bonito. (formal) (= fastidious) remilgado. querido. Depends on how your saying it in dialogue. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind as you study these fun vocabulary words. Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. If you’re trying to say “ How nice!”. Es un hombre extraordinariamente inteligente y por supuesto un gran autor: un autor de ficción. sutil. Es una chica muy maja; se lleva bien con todo el mundo. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content. Numbers in Spanish - How to count from 1 to 1000+, Spanish direct vs indirect object pronouns. ¡hombre, muy amable! Find more Spanish words at! More Spanish words for very nice. Señor Presidente, habría estado bien que hubiera podido elogiar al ponente por su obra. ¡dónde hemos ido a parar!
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