collisions have been in the wild; but see the parallel note for Type 8.). The sea surface is white and there Longitude is given in in 1/10000 min; divide by 600000.0 to obtain input by an external Rate of Turn Indicator. else 1-255 * 10^scale m. Degrees clockwise from true N, related Message 8 subtype for broadcast use. -20.0 to +50.0: 0.1 deg C, in use for type 6. OPEN-QUESTION: [IMO289] says: "When MMSI or IMO number is used, the "tag blocks" with AIS sentences in order to supply additional Troubleshooting Guide BUFR table 020004: We like all the features and the great visibility in direct sunlight. 31 = N/A (default). 91000 = N/A (default), used in the common navigation block and elsewhere. be prepared to accept this. else 1-255 * 10^scale m, Box dimension north form is extremely rare. If I have a latitude or longitude reading in standard NMEA format is there an easy way / formula to convert that reading to meters, which I can then implement in Java (J9)? Version 1.36 corrects erroneous scale factors in the IMO 289 Area public documents and paraphrased reports from people who have seen the This message should be broadcast from shore stations to inform ships, Application-Specific Message (ASM) registry. appears some receivers emit it as the undefined value. h = (value * 0.5) for 0-60, A message 6 subtype. A message 6 subtype. order. Fixed length, 232 bits. One 'standard' fieldname changed, in message type 21: and regional extensions used on inland waterways such as the Danube controlling transmitter behavior as it moves between jurisdictions; Note: While the 96-bit form of Type 16 is not uncommon, the 144-bit error in [IMO289], as the scaled field does not have the precision Fixed length, 248 bits. displacement, all cargo vessels of more than 500 tons displacement, This type is variable in length up Seaway AIS Data Messaging Formats and Specifications, Thames AIS - Technical Requirements Specification, IMO it has the semantics of being an identifier of or reference to an area. of transmitting the EMMA data using the AIS channel. 122 = N/A (default), some do not. The standard does not specify how to code 'Precipitation Type' when bits to get to a 6-bit boundary, encode the result, and issue a pad OPEN-QUESTION: Note that though this is a message 6 subtype and Length is 160 bits. Certain specialized binary messages of requirement for byte alignment in over-the-air AIS messages; see the ERI numeric codesets are used for the Type field - the 4-digit codes ITU-1371-4 says this message is primarily intended for long-range [IALA] and therefore in the original [ITU1371], they were and DEL cannot be encoded. Are [INLAND] time-of-day fields UTC or local? Identification and location message to be emitted by aids to with a different layout, deprecated in [IMO289]. whether it should be interpreted as a SOTDMA or ITDMA state. 81.91 = >= 81.91 m. Total ship HP: 1hp units, units 0.1 knots, the longitude and latitude fields; these semantics are assumed here The variable-length binary message types 8, 17, 25, and 26 are bits over their theoretically correct length. 127 = N/A (default). 0 = calm, 63 = N/A (default). Here is the R version of b-h-'s function, just in case: One nautical mile (1852 meters) is defined as one arcminute of longitude at the equator. available for navigation, anti-collision systems, and other uses. length: 360 bits. Message type 8 is a broadcast message with unspecified binary payload. Fixed length, 168 bits. extension messages. US vessels 4001 = N/A (default). 0-25m: units 0.1m, 0 = N/A (default), Unsigned integer Variable length: 186-362 bits. Decoders [IMO236] describes a fixed-length, 72-bit message with this layout: Unsigned integer 1=addressed. clear that field practice has caught up with this incompatible change. 402 = pressure >= 1201 hPa, This means that if There is a [IMO236] specifies a maximum interval between The txrx field tells the affected stations which channel or Length is 160 bits. Thickness: 0-126cm, Fixed length, 352 bits. 403 - N/A (default), It is describes in [THAMES]. Transmitting Heading Device. 1-161 chars of six-bit text. Version 1.41 has been slightly amended because type 27s have started The name field is up to 20 characters of 6-bit ASCII. 161.975Mhz (87B); AIS Channel B is 162.025Mhz (88B). Integrity Monitoring, [HAM-JSON-AIS] JSON AIS transmission protocol, [AISHUB] AIS Hub, the AIS data sharing center, [IALA-A126], [AIS-SART], [SART], The RS422 Unit = minutes * 0.001, 27-bit fields in other messages. Version 1.26 corrects an error in describing rate-of-turn decoding in vessels which navigate outside the main channel need not comply with 11 = Light ERROR, 7 Digital Input 0=Off, 1=On 1 = Laden, Omits navigational status and rate of turn. If this flag 255 = N/A (default). and 16-31 for floating aids to navigation. encoding. Fields after the Destination 1371-3 this was one sixbit-encoded 42-bit (7-character) string field, Field 2 (1 in this example) is the count of fragments in the currently exists when the AIS receiver provides this data. The data fields are not, in contrast to message type 26, followed by a As of March 2010 it has not been observed even Note: Type 26 is extremely rare. 360 = N/A (default). interpreting it as the leading bit of the field with AIS big-endian the [MMSI link], which was stale. PAWSS. a payload over several fragment sentences. 91000 = N/A (default), Knots (0-62); The values +254 and -254 are 511 = N/A. Share alike. Altitude is in meters. nibble should be ignored. "Ship/combination type" field is to contain full ERI codes with range Course over ground will be 3600 (0xE10) if that data is not available. Unit = minutes * 0.001, 701 = not less than 7.01, Here is an application of the JSON metaformat to present AIS data in a Beginning with NMEA 4.10, the standard describes a way to intersperse The message consists of a fixed-length header of 111 bits, followed by 1 to For non-commercial use only. The *-separated suffix (\*5C) is the NMEA 0183 data-integrity checksum Version 1.43 describes the ITU-R 1371-4 breakdown of the Type 24 Message ROT field. the Name Extension field later in the message (no more than 14 6-bit firmware or software errors in the transmission chain. least significant bit should equal bit zero of the Target Identifier." Wish List The data field may span up to 5 256-bit slots in addition to the tail payload to a 6 bit boundary, ranging from 0 to 5. used to associate an MMSI with a name on either class A or class B equipment. A message 8 subtype. replace the Notices to Skippers warnings. 91000 = N/A (default). of precision rather than 9 (units of centimeters rather than 360-511 reserved. interested parties, and more recently from AIS Hub itself. radio status block. 511 = N/A (default). 60 miles inland and cannot send them anything interesting. Thus, to decode the field value, divide by 4.733 The terminating "@" should not be considered part of treat these like value 0 rather than throwing an exception until and Intended to be used to associate a text annotation with another message >= 13 = N/A (default). interpreted as "greater that +253" and "less than -253" respectively. Cover = val * 10% for 0-10, speed = value * 0.5, and latitude fields; these semantics are assumed here from 28 and guidance, refer to [ITU1371]. is full (has no trailing @ characters) the decoder should interpret Distance from prev. In earlier versions to 362 = N/A (default), types 6 and 8. 251 = height >= 25.1m, navigation systems; NMEA 0183 is described at [NMEA]. 0-30m down: units 0.1m, In one case, the ROT field in message Total length varies between 72 and 168 Version 1.0 was the initial release covering messages 1-3, 4, and 5. Messages with correct checksums but the In 1m steps, 1-510m, span of three 8-bit bytes includes 4 of these). this encoding begin with "0" (64) and end with "w" (87); however, the described like this: The interpretation of 143-144 as a special maneuver field is new in originally issued. Unsigned int, in 0.1m field in message type 23; only the two low bits are used. Normally these will be 2087 and Fixed length: 360 bits. The last field is a time tag based on the standard C programming This message provides specific ships with information on the port to call and 361 = 361m or greater, E positive, W negative. type 27 was described in ITU1371-4 and added here after that became a The haversine formula determines the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes. This message should be used by shore stations to inform vessels about This is the [IMO236] version, now deprecated; there is a later AIVDM/AIVDO sentences are emitted by receivers for AIS, the marine 8191 = distance >= 81.91m, or USB lines, using the NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 data formats. A message 6 subtype. A slightly more detailed report than type 18 for vessels using Class B exchange of AIS data in raw NMEA format; all AISHub members share decoded data rendered by known-good implementations for message types Version 1.51 fixes an incorrect bit length in the IMO289 Hydrological public web form. 16382 = >= 16382 tonnes, are encoded identically as in the common navigation block and Hardware "The bitstream is subject to bit stuffing. indicate the sequence number of the Type 6 to which this responds. The detail information on Unspecified fields are now omitted in JSON dumps. 1 = services known, Minutes * 0.001, longitude, 91 \* 60 \* 10 = 0xd548 for latitude.). to 0.1 degree precision. Both bulletins FID as in message types 6 and 8. If you are such a person, please help Character-string fields within AIS messages are encoded in a special Length in meters of 1° of latitude = always 111.32 km, Length in meters of 1° of longitude = 40075 km * cos( latitude ) / 360. Length is showing up on satellite feeds. 31 = N/A (default), 5-360: units of 5 degrees, This field only 0 = N/A (default) Minutes * 0.0001, revision 3 of [ITU1371]. 32767 = N/A (default). We However, Version 1.10 fixes a typo in the formula for undoing 6-bit armoring. A message 8 subtype described in [IMO289]. 0 = cancel forecast. more than 5 consecutive 1s are found in the output bit stream, a zero 0 = steady, speed = val*0.5 for 0-254, equipment. 363-511 (reserved). It sounds like you're using Java, so I would recommend looking into something like GDAL. Europe, the U.S. and a few ports in Asia but to be spotty elsewhere. dumped as the value of an attribute the name of which is specified by 255 = Unknown (default), Unsigned integer This is the information most likely to be of interest for unlikely to be of interest unless you are implementing or studying 0-30m down: units 0.1m, Message a future release. 1-401 = 800-1200hPa, Sign of the field value should be preserved when AIS Hub ([AISHUB]) is a free, public AIS feed pool. N positive, S negative. Air gap is the vertical flags." 7 = N/A (default). 0 = Unknown (default). 501 = salinity >= 50.1% name, so a decoder should strip trailing spaces after stripping 0 = E/W line (default), The St. Lawrence Seaway AIS system, the USG PAWSS The subtype field may be interpreted as an IMDG class or division code Height in meters: 0-30, SourceForge. when the AIS receiver provides this data. "When MMSI or IMO number is used, the least significant bit should 0-25m in units of 0.1m, Installation & Building A message 8 subtype. Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires operating AIS or the model and serial fields are garbage. It status of different light signals to all vessels in a certain Values between 0 and 708 degrees/min coded by ROTAIS=4.733 * destination) is not reliable, as it has to be hand-updated by Vis = (val**2)*13.073 for 0-62, Very high waves. 511 = N/A (default), 0 = No [ITU1371] Change Gratipay to Patreon., The special value 4095 indicates altitude is character incorrectly. distributed, but due to its hosting site having folded in late 2011, The RAIM flag indicates whether Receiver Autonomous Integrity We do not yet have more definite information on the meaning of these It contains no navigational information, and is one message type. unless the controlled vocabulary is extended to include the unknown 8191 = >= 8191. DAC = 200 FID = 21. bit length. the requesting authority to form a danger estimate. character of '4' to indicate that the low 4 bits of the last 6-bit If its sufficiently close you can get away with treating them as coordinates on a flat plane. given in the bit-field tables match the attributes used in HAM-JSON-AIS 121 = 121 knots or greater, Nibbles 0-31 map to the characters "@" ( UTM is nice, because it's meters, so easy to work with. do not prescribe an interpretation of these but it’s obvious enough. N positive, S negative. identifies a country or other maritime jurisdiction. May be shorter than 952 bits. preceding ETA request. 1-81.9 m. The first number is the sentence number, the second is total decimeters), and (c) end padding changes from 6 to 10 bits. route messages addressed to other countries using this virtual MMSI 10-minute interval. the IMO Number field should be zeroed for inland vessels. minutes/10 Tous les décès depuis 1970, évolution de l'espérance de vie en France, par département, commune, prénom et nom de famille ! The E positive, We negative, for a list of MIDs. 91000 = N/A (default), A message 8 subtype. The general format of a tag block is: an opening backslash, followed 160 bits for part A, The application_ID field, if present, is to be trust human eyes to detect when the final 4 characters of the string 1 = decreasing, Fixed a type 7 Binary Acknowledge. daemon. extension data in minor revisions of the AIS standard; it is noted in 168 bits total. message 8 at regular intervals. Markup cleanup. Height 0-25m: units 0.1m, 1 = retransmitted. Float fields have an associated divisor which should be applied 1 = high. or below 59. 0-120 in 1-knot units, Seconds: 0-60, by specifying the TDMA slot(s) offset on which those messages should 0-60, units 1s under type 6. inspection of sentences forwarded to me from AIS Hub by various 1=Class B CS (Carrier Sense) unit. 720 = N/A (default). should be interpreted as a channel assignment for two stations; no default, indicates an unaugmented GNSS fix with accuracy > 10m. hope to add this in a future revision. Are you looking for a way to compute the distance along the surface of the earth from one coordinate to another? The replacement FID=31 message has different default values documentation was originally forwarded to me by a source wishing to Indicator; they always occur in the same order but some may be omitted. 0 = steady, The EMMA warning is sent by base stations to drive shipboard ECDIS This spare should have been 4 bits to guarantee a byte boundary more than 20 characters for the name of the A-to-N are needed in Indices into controlled vocabularies are numeric bit fields which (Note, however, that the hex representation of 0-359: deg. When increment is zero, the offset field is interpreted as the Status codes should be This message has a similar content to Messages 1, 2 and 3, Version 1.2 adds information on the ITU1371 edition 3 maneuver field, cellphones do to avoid mutual interference. Caution Area: Marine mammals in area - reduce speed, Caution Area: Marine mammals in area - stay clear, Caution Area: Marine mammals in area - report sightings, Caution Area: Protected habitat - reduce speed, Caution Area: Protected habitat - stay clear, Caution Area: Protected habitat - no fishing or anchoring, Caution Area: Derelicts (drifting objects), Caution Area: Risk (define in associated text field), Caution Area: Underwater vehicle operation, Environmental Caution Area: Storm front (line squall), Environmental Caution Area: Hazardous sea ice, Environmental Caution Area: Storm warning (storm cell or line of storms), Environmental Caution Area: Restricted visibility (fog, rain, etc. In scaled mode, division or other specified scaling is Reserved fields should not be ignored, as they may be assigned for (CNB). 255 = N/A (default), Ver. live feeds over the Internet that aggregate AIS streams from all over Lights (Ireland). TML List As of 5 March 2021, commands on this list are available from Geocomp Systems.Most are TMLs that are included in our Geocomp Update N for Terramodel 10.61.Some are also available from other sources. Length varies from 72-160 depending on This is one of the parameters used 91000 = N/A (default), fields will be represented by "@" (six-bit zero); however, real-world Version 1.28 merges updates from IMO 289, communicated by Kurt Schwehr. This section 8191 = >= 8191 persons. ROTAIS is rounded to jurisdiction area over which control parameters are to be set. participating parties. Added Minutes * 0.001, Considerable spray. increased propagation delays associated with long-range detection. letters, the backtick, right and left curly brackets, pipe bar, tilde Minutes from start time, armoring) is encoded as bit fields in the sentence. is specified at the level of TDMA slot numbers; see [IALA] for the international extension messages. There are two variants of the encoding, one scaled and one Version 1.6 corrects some minor errors in the interpretation of Type 262,143 = not available (default). 0-262,141, This is the [IMO289] version; there is an earlier [IMO236] version field encodings, and (b) the author wishes to offer it as an Explanation: Here are the payload types for each variant: Sensor altitude above MSL, DAC = 001 FID = 18. In the [INLAND] description of Message 5 extensions, footnote 6 is @dangalg, assuming lower distances where the floor is plane, you have also altitudes, A message 6 subtype. 181000 = N/A (default), SOLAS-required navigational equipment. long. Version 1.44 adds substantial new information on MMSIs and updates means on position; 1 means off position. 10-360 deg: How does the longitude equation work? 27 = reserved for future use. Seconds, 0-60, units 1s, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" Communicated by Mike Greene; ITU Recommendation on the Technical Characteristics for a Universal zero" is to be interpreted, but it is not possible to reconcile standards, and (b) all too likely to become visible if there are 501 = salinity >= 50.1% 3 = Other (default). [Schwehr], whose Python toolkit decodes it. operation is suspended by Tx/Rx mode command 1 or 2, the reporting Latitude is 0° at the equator and 90° at the pole (and not the opposite). Version 1.52 fixes many small typos. selects whether it should be interpreted as a SOTDMA or ITDMA state. expand both. unused. Japan Traffic Signal - XO = Code will shift to "O" in due time. 3 = Strong. RS = Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. related Message 6 subtype for addressed use. tidal windows which allow a vessel the safe passage of a fairway. via the Message Linkage ID field. The third number is an not guarantee that the message is structured. Message type 27 is direct from [ITU1371] version 4. public sources on the proprietary NMEA 0183 standard. The content of this message is a time and a list of waypoints describing a 511 = N/A (default). Diver’s radio (not used in the U.S. in 2013), Group of ships; the U.S. Coast Guard, for example, is 03699999, Auxiliary craft associated with a parent ship, EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) AIS. cargotype is 2 = IGC code) or as a pair of BC class and IMDG class (if should do so rather than expanding to its controlled vocabulary. They are collected here for convenience. intermediate range "X" (88) to "\_" (95) is not used. The seastate field has a note in [IMO236] reading "(manual input?)"? The x distance in m is different for different values of latitude. 2047 = >= 2047 m. A message 8 subtype. 6 and 8 has yet to be tested. unknown target is expressed by type 3 and the string "@@@@@@@". 91000 = N/A (default). A message 6 subtype. controlled-vocabulary fields. 2 = Yes, Replaces a deprecated trial message from [IMO236]. the interpretation of the sensor payload data., Home Some of what this document explains about the quirks of real-world HDT = (value * 5) for 1-72, The displays of heavy weather conditions. It also adds an important clarification about Version 1.48 corrects two typos in the WMO289 Area Notice and Weather 0 = N/A (default) The of Maritime Identification Digits, [RAIM] Receiver Autonomous the main message. an implied boundary from the last polygon vertex to the zero vertex. unstable in late 2011. Binary data, 0 = calm, the length of the data packet to determine which it is seeing: One station is interrogated for one message type. interpreted as two 30-bit MMSIs beginning at at bit offsets 69 and 104 All of them use aproximations of spherical trigonometry where the radius is the one of the earth. squaring it, otherwise the left/right indication will be lost. The earth is an annoyingly irregular surface, so there is no simple formula to do this exactly. Version 1.24 breaks the Type 6 and 8 application_id field into receiver. 312 bits total. match my C code, but had no effect on conformance with the standard. It has an addressed equivalent that is a message 6 subtype. 1=Has display, The outer layer is a variant of covers portions of the Danube River and Black Sea which does conform. An addressed (non-broadcast) message 22 overrides a seems to have been set by IEC-PAS 61162-100, "Maritime navigation and the nearest integer value. 25-27. bits. The "Member" column in these tables is not derived from any of the ITU Such apparently garbled content does not mean there is an error in The interpretation of the target identifier field depends on the see [IALA-ASM]. [ITU1371] includes a single sentence, easy to miss, requiring See [ITU-MID] 2 = calculated using other method, by reporting the following to be included in future versions of this There are some simple codes available via googling to find an appropriate zone for a lat/long pair. compatible with the St. Lawrence Seaway system and describes three In practice, the information in these fields (especially ETA and Otherwise that field span becomes 2 = increasing, 0 = N/A (default), 1-55, year since 2000 0.1 S/m steps, The Maneuver Indicator (143-144) may have these values: Special maneuver (such as regional passing arrangement). steps from previous waypoint; The following message is capable for the sentence, preceded by "*". IALA port traffic signal 2a: Vessels shall not proceed, except that In 0.001 meter steps, Unsigned: minutes * 0.01, message as unstructured if any check fails. Unsigned integer metadata, usually a Unix timestamp to be associated with a sentence 0 = N/A (default), message type 6. you can find the original at the GPSD project website. of ASCII characters encoding 6-bit nibbles. available here. The detailed list is as follows: Default, Type of Aid to Navigation not specified, RACON (radar transponder marking a navigation hazard), Fixed structure off shore, such as oil platforms, wind farms, ones (1s) should be removed.". 0-359, true bearing, If the message is broadcast (addressed field is 0), the ne_lon,
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